A time travel to the future.

What is future? the future is so relative. 
In this moment im in a computer desk of the university, im so tired and im hungry, so, I would like to travel to the future in two hours more, when im in my bed sleeping.... just kidding. 
Where or When I would like to travel to the future is a question that I never asked to me, and for me is so difficult to find a time that I want to go.
But, after thinking too much, I know when I will like to go, the day  when I realase all my plans, because  I want to see a lot of moments of that time. Like the perspective of my fathers and see How they see what is aboute me. And see, what I do, when I will be and with who. I think that I will be in my own department in the city doing what I love and maybe with a car. I would like to be in a city with a lot of green places, and all ot of buildings with mirrors in the top too see the the city in the night and in the afternoons. 
Finally, I will go to one they that i will be there, living my dream of a life in peace and with me in the moment of my goals.


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