
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022

My dream Job

My dreaming work is to work in Infantyl Oncology in  a Hospital . I dream with that work because I want to help the childs who need it in a Hospital. I imagine it like doing activities for they and doing their procces a little more fun and pacefull. To that I have to have knowledges about Oncology and haved to work for less five years in Clinical Pharmacy. The salary is about the one million and two hundred chilean pesos, but for me the sallary is no important if im doing the thing that I want. To work on it, Im studing Chemistry and Pharmacy in University, then I would like to do a Major of Clinical Pharmacy, so I have to study for a long time. I would like to do my professional practice in a Hospital to get experience in the area and to get used about the job.  Specially I want to work with all the patientes that I can, for example, be with they in their chemotherapy since the first day, I would like to do my job in a different way, like think in different ways how we can do the same

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My favorite concert.

Definitely my favorite concert that I go to see, is the concert of "Duki". This concert was done last month in the "Movistar Arena". This concert its so especial for me because I haved waited for it for three years! I goes with my girlfriend, and she makes me the sames tattoos that Duki haves in his face, so I goes characterized of him jajaja   In the concert, he does his shows with his friends "Asan" and "Yesan", they are his music producers, and they sings too, and I sang their music too, so It was like go to a show of three different artists. The concert stars at the 8.30 PM and it ends at the 10.30 PM so it was very well in time.  One detail, the concert was very interrupted by the people, because in the first song all of the fans jump and some people fainted by the pression, but when all of them was better, the concert restarts with the same song and it was epic. He sangs all of my favorite songs, and he invited to sing chilean artists to sa