Changes to my study programme

Well... my stay at the university has been quite good in general, I have met very good people and friends who have been very real until now. But it has also been complicated by the stress that studying has generated in me, how difficult the classes can be, in every semester I have had a class in danger, sometimes I think that the tests make them more difficult than they I could bear it, so this semester I decided to study, but without suffering from studies the way I used to, in the end I don't like the idea of ​​worrying in the years when I should enjoy my life the most.

Certainly I feel that the people in this faculty are very good and very friendly, I have met many people that I like very much, and I think that the fact that it is not such a big university is a good point in favor, as the only "complaint" One point is that I would like the court to be remodeled a bit, because beyond the fact that it is not that big, the material it is made of is somewhat risky to play there, in fact, I have an injury caused by that.

Lastly, I must say that I don't have much to vent against the university, because whatever it was, I've met very good people and that makes up for it, so I'm just thankful for the friends I've made and I hope to continue meeting more people.


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